How to Win Government Business

Learn large companies’ techniques that can be

applied to small and mid-size firms

Over 20 years of government marketing experience

Challenges to do business with Government

Very Large Customer

The government is a very large customer

Very complex Customer

The government is a very complex customer with so many different dynamics that are essential to know in order to succeed.

Who is the decision Maker

Who is involved in the decision making process?

Understanding the buying Process

How does the government buy what we sell

Are you setup to win work

Even if the government wants to buy what you are selling, are you able to sell it the way they need to buy it

Finding good mentors

You need a mentor, but they don't have much time to really teach you because they have their own business to run.

Our Methodology

01. Mentoring

Our methodology is mentoring businesses to learn how to do business with the government.

06. Select Clients

We ONLY work with a handful of companies at a time in an effort to give the focus and attention needed

05. Learn how to HUNT

We believe that if we teach you how to hunt rather than hunt for you, you will be able to build and sustain a government business

02. Coaching

We have seen that mentor-ship/coaching has been a major factor in the success of most companies.​

03. Learn best practices

You can learn so much by having someone show you how to do it and actually doing it.

04. Experience

We have been a small business ourselves and have gone through the same struggles and understand how to navigate the government.

What we will do for your company?

Build the Process

Develop Proven Repeatable & Sustainable Sales Process


Learn & understand your offering, capabilities, Capacity & budget

Go to Market

Develop a customized strategy to Market to the government


Prepare you for marketing to government

Identify Buyers

Assist in Identifying known buyers in government

Key Accounts

Teach how to market to the key government accounts


Will coach sales team(s)


Will assist throughout the process

Attend Meetings

Will attend meetings with government, if necessary


Assist in opportunity development/shaping
